Everything you have ever wanted, is sitting on the other side of fear.
How do you rise and find out what lies on the other side of fear? We’ve all felt fear at different points in our lives, it’s inevitable. Rather than run away from it, I believe we should run towards it as fast as possible.
Like our ancestors did for thousands of years, we still feel fear even if the external dangers aren’t as obvious. Fear is that feeling that captures your whole attention to some perceived danger threatening an aspect of your existence.
While fear helped to keep us alive and on guard againstĀ sabre-tooth tigers, it also has the power to completely cripple us and our efforts towards achieving our goals. This is the version of fear most of us experience today in our modern society.
If you’ve been around social media enough, you’ve stumbled across the following definition for FEAR: False Events Appearing Real.
This definition gives us clear insight into the nature of fear in that it’s something that is false, but simply appears real to our mind. In short, fear can only exist in our minds.
Don’t get me wrong, danger is very real, but fear is not. Fear is a choice that we make at a conscious or, more often than not, subconscious level.
Overcome Fear, get to the other side
Yes you can! Overcoming fear is a skill, something we can learn over time so that the negative effects of fear are transmuted into action. Why action? Because action is the universal antidote for fear. If you’re busy doing, you don’t have time to be afraid.
This is why I imagined a different meaning for FEAR:
“Face Essential Actions Radically”
By facing the things that we fear most (essential actions), we grow, we achieve, and we expand. With every fear we conquer, we gain strength, insight, and confidence (radically).
By overcoming our small fears, we build momentum. Build enough of it and you’ll overcome even your biggest fears. This is how you find out who you can be on the other side of fear. Eleanor Roosevelt explained it best:
“Do one thing every day that scares you.”
By adopting this practice, pretty soon, you will welcome fear, you’ll miss it, because you’ll understand how powerful it is at showing us in which direction we must move to accomplish our goals faster.
We all have goals and aspirations, and fear is the boatman waiting to ferry us in the direction that is most beneficial for our growth. Whether it’s personal, professional, spiritual, or emotional, fear can point the way. Remember if fear is a choice, so is courage.
While I can’t help with your personal, spiritual, or emotional areas, I can help with the fears that growing your business brings.
Choose courage.